Converting MSP430 projects from IAR Embedded Workbench to CrossWorks




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    Steve Curd


    I've converted the zasa demo software from TI for the ez430-rf2480 kit from IAR to CrossStudio, and it now compiles error-free.  However when I load the executable into the device it hangs and the debugger can't access it.  I suspect the issue has to do with the translation of the interrupt-related functions (EINT, DINT, and the interrupt handlers).  Have you gotten this to work, and if so, how?

    The original IAR source used a series of macros to inject assembler opcodes into the instruction stream; I converted them as follows:

    Original IAR interrupt handler:



    Converted to:

    void isrPort2(void) __interrupt(PORT2_VECTOR)


    Shouldn't that work?

    Thank you.

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    Paul Curtis


    I've not come across that software.  I'd need to looik, but on the face of it your translation looks correct.  I believe you should now have less work to do because we now support #pragma vector for IAR compatibility.  I really wish we could all agree on a standard set of things so TI examples compile on CCE, CrossWorks, and EW, but I think the way things are going is that CCE and CrossWorks will be trying to be as close to IAR's syntax as possible.

    I have an action item to put together a project file for SimpliciTI, so I'll take a look at the software you've highlighted and see what I can make of it.

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    Steve Curd

    Thanks Paul.  Hey, one other question: when I Debug/Run on the MSP430 emulator and I stop the debug session, how do I know where in the source the code was looping when it was stopped?  The source window doesn't seem to show me that.  If I can figure that out, I would be happy to send you the details for what I had to do to get it to work!  Steve.

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    Paul Curtis

    No sign of life when is usually when the processor goes into low power mode.  If you break (Debug > Break) rather than stop then you should be able to see where the processor has stopped.  If it doesn't locate to a source line then there's no debug information (which is strange, but hapens in release mode).  In this case take a look at the registers window to see the PC and then the disassembly window to see where it stopped.

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    Steve Curd

    Hi Paul,

    Well, I'm using the internal CrossStudio MSP430 emulator as a target, building for an MSP430F2274 in DEBUG mode.  The code compiles correctly and begins executing (on the emulator) continuously burning cycles.  When I PAUSE DEBUG, the Disassembly window shows I'm executing in low memory (eg. 0x0000-0x15C).  I know we should never be executing down I checked the MSP430F2274.xml file and all seems to be in order (flash at 0x8000, ram at 0x200, etc...)

    Do I need to specify an entry point to the compiler?  I have a main() function in my code.

    By the way, I put a breakpoint at the start of main(), and it never hits.  Any ideas?

    Thanks again,


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    Paul Curtis

    Sounds like something went wrong.  If you're jumping to zero for some reason, you could always place a breakpoint at 0 (use New Breakpoint) which stops the CPU and then see how you got there.  Or step frlom the start, which is what I'd do, to see where things go wrong.

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    Paul Curtis

    Should say, in CrossWorks V2 if you're attached, F11 will start the application  and stop at the first INSTRUCTION, F10 will start the app and stop at main() and F5 will start the app and run to the first breakpoint (unless configured differently).

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    Mark Evans

    HI Paul,

    I am very interested in the SimpliciTI code/conversion.  I an evaluating Crossworks now and would love to use it with the CC2520 Dev kit.  So any information would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

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    Danilo Pozzi

    Hello everyone, my name is Danilo, I'm from Brazil, I'm a electrical engineer student ! i want to contact Steve Curd for the ez430-rf2480 ZASA code ported to CrossStudio! i would really appreciate it, I'm doing my graduation conclusion paper work, and it would really help me out!! Thank you! 

    Danilo Pozzi


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    Steve Curd

    Hi Danilo,

    I was able to get the SimpliciTI code to work by including the crt0.asm file...turns out this was the cause of the invalid startup address problem.  However, I am no longer using CrossStudio after my brief evaluation.  I'm waiting for the next project, and I'll dig in deeper!  Thanks Paul for your support.

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    Steve Curd

    I finally took the time to document how I converted the TI ez430-rf2480 zasa code to successfully compile and link under the CrossWorks IDE.  I can zip up all the source files, if anyone wants them... In the meantime, here's the step-by-step for the way I did it:


    * Converting zasa from IAR to CrossWorks *


    1. After installing the zasa sample application, collect all project files listed below into a new single directory:







    Program Files\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 4.0\430\inc\msp430.h






    ZASA\source\sample_app.cfg (not used, but we'll be stealing some of the definitions from this file)









    Copy all of these files into a single source directory (I created and used "c:\dev\zasa 2\source")



    1. Create a new project in CrossStudio:


    Run CrossStudio 2

    (if you haven't already, load the "Texas Instruments MSP430 CPU Support Package" from the "Tools/Package Manager…" menu)

    Create a new project (File/New/New Project)

    Click "Create the Project in a New Solution"

    Click "A C Executable"

      Fill in your project Name (I used "zasa 2")

      Browse to the root directory Location where you created the "source" folder above (for me: "c:\dev\zasa 2")

    Click "Next"

    Select "MSP430F2274" from the Target Processor flip-down

    Click "Next"

    Leave "crt0.asm" checked in Links to system files, but uncheck "main.c" in the Project files (the project already includes a main)

    Click "Next"

    Leave MSP430 debug and MSP430 release checked

    Click "Finish"



    1. Now add all the source files to the zasa 2 project:


    Use the CrossStudio Project Explorer (right side of the screen; if it's not visible, click "View/Project Explorer" or hit Ctrl/Alt/P).  Expand your Project ('zasa 2'), and expand "Source Files".  Right click "Source Files", and select "Add existing file…".  Navigate to the directory where you copied the source files; you might have to click the "Files of type:" flip-down and select "C Files (*.c,*.h)".  Shift/Select all of your .c and .h files from this directory and click "Open".


    Now, all of your source and header files (total of 18) should appear in the Project Explorer window under Source Files.


    Now the real work begins…


    1. Fix the interrupt functions, definitions, and pragmas for CrossWorks by making the following changes to hal_board.c, hal_board.h, hal_defs.h, and zaccel.h

    In hal_board.c


    Comment out lines 62-65 to eliminate the IAR interrupt pragmas:

    //#define _PRAGMA(x) _Pragma(#x)

    //#define HAL_ISR_FUNC_DECLARATION(f,v) _PRAGMA(vector=v) __interrupt void f(void)

    //#define HAL_ISR_FUNC_PROTOTYPE(f,v)   _PRAGMA(vector=v) __interrupt void f(void)



    Comment out lines 140-143 to eliminate the funky IAR interrupt handler definitions:






    Comment out lines 148-149 (ditto):




    At line 635, comment out INTERRUPT_PORT1() and replace it as follows:


    #pragma vector=PORT1_VECTOR

    __interrupt void isrPort1(void)


    At line 664, comment out INTERRUPT_PORT2() and replace it as follows:


    #pragma vector=PORT2_VECTOR

    __interrupt void isrPort2(void)


    At line 691, comment out INTERRUPT_TIMERA() and replace it as follows:


    #pragma vector=TIMERA0_VECTOR

    __interrupt void isrTimerA(void)


    At line 758, comment out INTERRUPT_ADC10() and replace it as follows:


    #pragma vector=ADC10_VECTOR

    __interrupt void isrADC(void)


    At line 916, comment out INTERRUPT_RX0() and replace it as follows:


    #pragma vector=USCIAB0RX_VECTOR

    __interrupt void isrRx0(void)


    At line 950, comment out INTERRUPT_TX0() and replace it as follows:


    #pragma vector=USCIAB0TX_VECTOR

    __interrupt void isrTx0(void)



    In hal_board.h


    At line 47, add the header file for the CrossWorks MSP Intrinsics:

    #include <inmsp.h>


    At line 106 (start of the Typedefs), define the istate_t type:

    typedef unsigned short istate_t;


    At line 127-128, change HAL_ENABLE_INTERRUPTS() and HAL_DISABLE_INTERRUPTS to use the CrossWorks functions:

    //#define HAL_ENABLE_INTERRUPTS()         asm("eint")

    #define HAL_ENABLE_INTERRUPTS()           __enable_interrupt()

    //#define HAL_DISABLE_INTERRUPTS()        st( asm("dint"); asm("nop"); )

    #define HAL_DISABLE_INTERRUPTS()          __disable_interrupt()


    At line 133-135, modify the CRITICAL_SECTION macros to remove __get_interrupt_state as follows (we don't need it with CrossWorks!):


      st(x = /*__get_interrupt_state(); */ HAL_DISABLE_INTERRUPTS(); )

    #define HAL_EXIT_CRITICAL_SECTION(x) __set_interrupt/*_state*/((x))



    In hal_defs.h


    At Line 40 insert a few required definitions (these were originally in the sample_app.cfg file):

    #define ZACCEL_BUF_LEN        128     // standard=256, but reduced to save RAM

    #define HOST_MT               1       // to include code for UARTS; change to 0 to save space

    #define HOST_MT_BAUD          9600    // 9600 is max supported by the TI USB dongle

    #define HOST_MT_RX_OLD        1       // seconds since last Rx to trigger event (0=disabled)

    #define HOST_MT_RX_FULL       (ZACCEL_BUF_LEN-1)       //Max Rx count to trigger event



    In zaccel.h


    At line 59 insert the definitions for the ZigBee PANID and the list of ZigBee channels (these were originally in the sample_app.cfg file):

    #define ZACCEL_NV_PANID         0xFFFF            // any value other than 0xFFFF forces the value


    //#define ZACCEL_NV_CHANLIST      0x04000000  // 26 - 0x1A  // ZigBee channel selection

    //#define ZACCEL_NV_CHANLIST      0x02000000  // 25 - 0x19

    //#define ZACCEL_NV_CHANLIST      0x01000000  // 24 - 0x18

    //#define ZACCEL_NV_CHANLIST      0x00800000  // 23 - 0x17

    //#define ZACCEL_NV_CHANLIST      0x00400000  // 22 - 0x16

    //#define ZACCEL_NV_CHANLIST      0x00200000  // 21 - 0x15

    //#define ZACCEL_NV_CHANLIST      0x00100000  // 20 - 0x14

    //#define ZACCEL_NV_CHANLIST      0x00080000  // 19 - 0x13

    //#define ZACCEL_NV_CHANLIST      0x00040000  // 18 - 0x12

    //#define ZACCEL_NV_CHANLIST      0x00020000  // 17 - 0x11

      #define ZACCEL_NV_CHANLIST      0x00010000  // 16 - 0x10

    //#define ZACCEL_NV_CHANLIST      0x00008000  // 15 - 0x0F

    //#define ZACCEL_NV_CHANLIST      0x00004000  // 14 - 0x0E

    //#define ZACCEL_NV_CHANLIST      0x00002000  // 13 - 0x0D

    //#define ZACCEL_NV_CHANLIST      0x00001000  // 12 - 0x0C

    //#define ZACCEL_NV_CHANLIST      0x00000800  // 11 - 0x0B



    1. This should be all the code changes.  Build the project: using the menu "Build/zasa 2"… It should build with no errors or warnings!


    1. Now for the acid test: connect the ez430 to a usb port (you must have previously installed the TI drivers)


    1. From the CrossStudio menu, select "Target/Connect/TI ez430"


    1. From the CrossStudio menu, select "Build/Build and Run"
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    Steve Curd

    Well, although zasa SEEMED to work, I noticed that both red and green LEDs blinked each second when a node was endpoint mode (versus only the green).  After some significant hair-pulling, I found an additional change to the TI zasa code to convert it to CrossWorks vs. IAR.  Apparently typedef default typing varies between the two compilers.  SOOOOO, in module cc2480.h, I had to force typing for devStates_t...  You need to add "unsigned char" after the keyword "enum" at line 189 in cc2480.h.  Now everything seems to work exactly as designed; although now I'm a little worried about the other enum typdefs.  Would someone please verify these changes so we can get a second opinion?


    So to summarize, in addition to the source changes I posted earlier, the new typedef should look like this:

    /* cc2480.h, starting at line 189 */

    typedef enum unsigned char


      DEV_HOLD,               // Initialized - not started automatically

      DEV_INIT,               // Initialized - not connected to anything

      DEV_NWK_DISC,           // Discovering PAN's to join

      DEV_NWK_JOINING,        // Joining a PAN

      DEV_NWK_REJOIN,         // ReJoining a PAN, only for end devices

      DEV_END_DEVICE_UNAUTH,  // Joined but not yet authenticated by trust center

      DEV_END_DEVICE,         // Started as device after authentication

      DEV_ROUTER,             // Device joined, authenticated and is a router

      DEV_COORD_STARTING,     // Started as Zigbee Coordinator

      DEV_ZB_COORD,           // Started as Zigbee Coordinator

      DEV_NWK_ORPHAN          // Device has lost information about its parent..

    } devStates_t;

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    John Russell

    Thanks Steve Curd for the the precise and unambiguous ZASA IAR-CrossWorks port instructions.

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    Thayalan Gnanasoundram

    This is very usefull. I am impressed with Crossworks and now purchased the commercial licence.

    Previously I worked with IAR for all my projects with MSP430. When I convert IAR projects to Crossworks, I am getting issues and the this is very usefull for me.

    Is it possible that I can work with Crossworks supprt to convert the IAR project attached to convert to Crossworks. i am going to use this evaluation board code to build our own design.

    THanks for the support.

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