Editor command to retrace your steps (Ctrl+- in Visual Studio/Word)
Maybe this already exists...
I spend much of my life in Visual Studio where I can retrace my steps with Ctrl+- and I really miss this. I know it is pretty tricky to do in the general case, but I could accept a simple version so that if I Go to Definition, or leap off as the result of a Search, I can then return. There may already be a way of doing this, but I am yet to find it.
VS must have an algorithm to decide when to push a return position to a stack, so that local editing does not do anything, but (amalgamated) moves do get saved. Although, ideally, the stack of return positions are smart enough to cope with editing, just saving the file offset and jumping to it (even if the file had been edited so the position might be wrong) would work for me in 99.9% of cased where I would use this.
Perhaps I should train myself to use a different strategy in CrossStudio...
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