Integration for Embedded Unit Testing [Imported Thread]
PlannedWould be very great if crossworks can come up with support for embedded unit testing like cunit embeddedunit. the idea is to have something like a own emnu for Unittesting (add new test, run tests, etc.)
Idea Originally Posted by: stsc-sie 10/02/2011
26/03/2015 James MacMillan
While unit testing on the target would be nice to have, it is very slow to run and testing against a simulator, or even with a host compiler can cover the majority of the code even in an embedded project. If you haven't already, you should read "Test Driven Development in Embedded C" by James W. Grenning It does a great job of showing how unit testing can be valuable at multiple levels. Testing on hardware is important and should be done occasionally but testing your program's logic with super fast, automated tests on your development machine can highlight errors almost as fast as you type them in. That type of testing - where the constraints, edge cases and assumptions of your functions are exercised every time you modify the file - has the potential to move programming craft to a higher level.
08/04/2013 Jonathan Elliott (Admin)
I'm consdering this. The framework construction and report/GUI work looks simple enough, the problem is getting it onto the target in a way that is smooth and unobtrusive, and to be able to run the tests using CrossLoad. We can do this already using CrossLoad and a post-link step and report to the IDE, that's already part of CrossWorks, but generalising itmay be tricky.
13/02/2011 Peter McC
yes please, yes please! The killer for us is that we use CTL and can't do simulation on the PC unless we work out a way of simulating the tasking. There is another suggestion for this
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