Enhance the editor with outlining or "code folding" ability [Imported Thread]
PlannedIdea Originally Posted by: Jonathan Elliott 21/04/2009
16/01/2013 Mathias Hoffmann
The extended version of this feature could show a complete reference list of all functions by expanding a .c source file in the "Project Items" window. Currently there is a list of all referenced headers. The function name list could be appended. Double clicking a function name in this list should go to the function definition in the source file.
07/12/2011 Tarkan
What happened to this feature? is it now available?if yes, how can i enable this feature
23/09/2009 Akos Buzogany
It looks nice! Even {...} within the function are foldable! I suggest a single additional button on the toolbar for fold/unfold all. When the source becomes too large and most of functions are unfolded due a bug tracing, it comes handy to fold all, and pick the function I am interested in and unfold jut this one.
22/09/2009 Jonathan Elliott (Admin)
I posted a picture of code folding "in action" in the Zendesk user forum... http://rowley.zendesk.com/forums/51116/entries/62794
22/09/2009 Jonathan Elliott (Admin)
I have this sort of working at the moment. I need to do a bit more to get it solid. It looks nice though. As for Vi mode, well, I prototyped that that some time ago but haven't enabled it yet. Please create a new suggestion for Vi mode!
22/09/2009 Josef Holzmayr
As MCU capable development tools, Keil has code folding also. And I admit, I pretty much like this feature. Especially together with some regions capability like in Visual Studio (or vim - can i have vi-mode...?) this would be a great feature for sure.
18/09/2009 Jonathan Elliott (Admin)
It's pretty easy to do code folding, but it's just one of those things I haven't got round to yet. I guess I'll need to knuckle down and do it. The editor is sort of my responsibility.
17/09/2009 Akos Buzogany
As far as I know only Eclipse has code folding among MCU capable development tools. However, Eclipse is extremely cumbersome to use because of the complicated setup. As our codes grow large, it is a very convenient way to have as much functions as possible on the screen to access, and to scroll less if looking for something. It would be a huge advance compared to other tools. Even the hyper-expensive IAR does not have it at the moment!
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