TI just released a complete 430 Fixed Pt Math library for IAR & CSS. Source is avail for a Crossworks Lib



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    Paul Curtis

    We already have a number of NDAs with TI, but this is one I don't want to go forward with.  We have our own implementation of fixed point functions and I really don't want to even consider taking a look at TI's source code because it may well lead to problems down the road if they think we've looked at it and then produced our own implementation using it.

    The fixed point library will be fully documented, and fleshed out with more functions.  Some documentation on how it is currently used, for sensor fusion, is here:



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    Nick Jensen

    Thanks Paul.

    I applaud your focus on providing lots the software pieces to help developers build their projects.  This just might be the differentiation that Rowley needs to stand out from all the various compiler vendors.  To many in the market, compilers have become perceived as somewhat of a commodity.  (Not true, however.)


    Libraries clearly provide real value to engineers.  It seems that today's engineers no longer have the low level skills to easily implement their own Fixed Pt or bit level code and are clearly ready to pay someone to help them move forward faster.  And it plays to your exceptional strengths in building solutions.  Your SolderCore basic code is beautiful example of how polished a solution you provide.

    As a hobbiest (retired EE), still poking about with the MSP430, I probably won't benefit from your fixed point library as everything seems to be moving to ARM.  But I think you're on the right road just the same!!

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