Simplify property editing
CompletedSolution properties are displayed in the Project Explorer view but cannot be added directly via this view.
An ultra common use case would be adding user include paths to the project - ideally I could right click, select the property key and add the correct values.
A refinement for the include paths would be to format the path correctly for GCC and substitute $(SolutionDir) for the fixed portion of the path. For example:
$(SolutionDir) is d:\src\freertos\httpd
Drag and drop a new include path from Explorer such as
Crossworks then fixes this up to be:
>...Crossworks then fixes this up to be:
> $(SolutionDir)/FreeRTOS/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3I think this was already done for many of the "file" and "directory" properties that take a single file name or single directory name.
> Is this available in one of the nightly builds?
We're doing some maintenance to our servers; it will be pushed, if successful, starting Monday.
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