Easy code tab changes
I have a couple of suggestions for the tabbed code editing area:
1) Currently, tabs with modified text are orange and the currently focused tab is blue. The problem is that orange is a much more attention-grabbing color. It makes it hard to locate the current tab. I suggest you change the colors or, perhaps even better, don't highlight modified code with an orange tab: instead, have it the normal color and append an asterisk to the name (a fairly common approach).
2) Allow a tab to be closed by clicking on it with the middle mouse button. Don't require the tab to be focused when it's being closed.
- Bob
Oh, another thing... the names of some files are incorrectly displayed in all lower case in the tab (this is on Windows), even when Windows Explorer and CrossWorks' Project Explorer shows the file name in mixed case. Strangely, some files are correctly displayed in mixed case on the Crossworks tabs.
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