What about auto completion in Cross Studio?
CompletedIf i work with C++ (or maybe in C too), it will be nice, if there is an auto completion like in MS Visual Studio or Eclipse IDE.
Or maybe there is already a function for it?
Best regards
Whatever we decide for the next release, code templates and code completion are now working very well in the lab. On the down side, it happens to be a memory hog and I need to find a way to trim the extra memory requirement that is imposed on CrossStudo.
CrossStudio will now open a project and index it in parallel, launching multiple threads to index each file, and it is very, very fast. Opening our library project and indexing 900+ files takes under 1s on a Core i7 quad core processor. Code completion and "go to definition" work as you would expect and are pretty much perfect.
The memory use issue is now solved. The number of threads that run in parallel to index your project is configurable in the IDE so that you can tune performance of the indexer from faster index completion or better IDE response during indexing. 16 threads in parallel on a quad core is the sweet spot for me, it indexes very quickly and the IDE is just as responsive as usual. You no longer have the huge wait when the Source Navigator is shown where the IDE just stops to index the whole of your project.
Aaaargh! Another new release of the ARM IDE (2.3) and you're still keeping code completion locked up in the lab!
Would a little begging help? Cool. I'm begging you to release this feature into the wild. Begging! Not sure what else I can do at this point. Code completion is one of those features that rounds out the IDE and makes it feature complete. It's something most users are accustomed to... and you already have it working!
It's time to let this feature fly free. If it never returns, then it was never yours to begin with... or some crap like that.
The autocompletion is so great feature that I use eclipse as an aditor and crossstudio to debugging and downloading programs. Most of all time I spend on writing in Eclipse IDE. Autocompetion will be a couse to use only crossstudio for writing programs. In earlier version of crosstudio was a feature of very simple autocompletion and it didn't work properly, but now it is disabled. Can you enable new autocompletion as a function similar to older one? Maybe you need name it as "experimental" in crosstudio menu?
The V3 nightly builds have had it in for some time, and a completely new indexer which will parse your source using threads (user configurable, of course!) The thing is that clang is an ongoing project and the 3.1 release had some serious issues -- the stable release would bring the IDE down when presented with some source code. I track the release, both for building clang as a compiler and as libclang, and it is better now.
For windows,
You won't be able to activate this permanently--activation is at our discretion.
Can we please have an update here? CrossWorks is way behind every other IDE in this regard, and I've stopped using it until it gets code completion because I find it unbearable to use.
Serves me right I guess, I bought my copy of CrossWorks a couple of years back on the strength of your assurance that "code completion is coming Real Soon Now (tm)".
It was in the news feed:
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