Code outline preview and DOxygen
The 'Code Outline' window looks interesting, and the Preview pane seems to hold stuff that could be useful, but I could not find any documentation on what it does.
It has looked as if CrossStudio has some knowledge of DOxygen, but maybe it is responding to \ markers for some other markup language.
Could you point me at the documentation for what Preview actually does?
Would you consider supporting DOxygen (or maybe you already do)?
With the CrossWorks version 4.8.5 the Doxygen comments are evaluated for the code highlighting, but only if the Syntax /*! ... */ is used.
If a Doxygen block is surrounded by /** ... */, the Doxygen commands are not highlighted.
Please can you support the valid Doxygen syntax, particularly the /** ... */ blocks and the at-sign as an alternative to the backslash, e.g. @param for \param.
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